Last night was the best night of sleep so far. I have trouble falling asleep almost every night of my life. Either Mike snores too loud or I can't sleep because he's working and not there with me. It's a catch 22. I always get scared without him. Especially at the camper. I don't know why I am convinced everyone wants to kill me, but apparently I feel like I am a prime target for serial killers and weirdos. Anyway, the first night I fell asleep with no problem (yes, I left the light on in the living room), but I woke up several times throughout the night just to look up and make sure nobody was standing over me with a knife. Last night I struggled to fall asleep (I used less lights this time), but once I did... Guys. I didn't wake up until 8:30am and it was only because my bladder threatened to explode. I slept the whole night. I plan to knock it out of the park tonight. Maybe even no night lights? Hmm...
Anyway I woke up and enjoyed my bowl of Peanut Butter Crunch before digging into the word. (The last couple of days I have not only finished the book I have been working on for months, but I have read an extraordinary amount of scripture and binge watched countless sermons online.) I sat on the deck eating when suddenly I hear a sort of low buzzing noise. I turn to look, and I kid you not- there was a tiny hummingbird just a few feet from my face. People, I have no flowers. I have no feeders. I have nothing this adorable creature could want. Other than an incredible desire to make best friends with it. (Yes, I am the lady who wishes she could sing like Snow White and have forest creatures gather to her.) It hovered near me for almost a full 10 seconds before fluttering away.
About 2 bites into my cereal later, I look over and there is a red breasted robin standing on the ground just off the deck staring at me. Oh, hi friend! She hung out, hopping around my tiny yard just looking at me for awhile. Then she grabbed a worm or bug and took off. 2 more bites later, another robin shows up. How do I know it's a different one? Oh, because he brought the other one with him! I swear I am not making this up, guys. They are peeping and chirping at each other, just hopping around my yard directly next to me. (Step aside, Snow White...)
I finish my cereal and decide to go for another walk to stretch my legs and my back. On the way I met yet another robin. She hopped right along beside me on the ground for probably about 100 yards. She takes off and another bird (I have no idea of the species- but I would guess an oriole) takes her place hopping around me on the ground as I stroll along. What is happening?!
I walk along the road and can hear birds singing and the breeze blowing through the trees. I notice that when I look down at my feet, I see dead frogs that been run over, a creepy tiny snake that probably wanted to kill me, and bugs. Nothing pretty or wonderful. However, when I keep my eyes up, I could see the birds flitting from tree to tree. I even saw an eagle soaring high above the tree line. It was incredible. I think you can all see where the lesson is here, right? Keep your eyes up fixed on Him= good things, down= bad things/death/yucky stuff. You got me.
So I finish my walk and decide that I should do my reading down at the pool being that today is sunny and hot and incredibly perfect in every way. I change, grab my stuff, and make my way to the refreshingly cool, calm, empty pool. Not a kid in site, guys. Talk about peaceful! I read for awhile, dove in to cool off, then came right back to my reading. It was amazing. Even when the lady with the 2 kids came, it was still wonderful. They were respectful, sweet kids just enjoying time with their grandma, and I was still able to focus on my reading. (Side Note- looking back, I feel like this was a gradual way of helping me to adjust to having people around while I read. Helping me train to keep my focus.)
Just as my tummy starts reminding me that it's been awhile since my Captain Crunch, the owner of the campground comes over and asks if I'm hungry. He proceeds to offer to make me lunch. He was about to make food for him and his wife anyway, and thought maybe I would like some of it. Thanks, Lord. A free meal that I didn't have to cook that was prepared while I lounged poolside with a great book... umm heck yeah! Come to discover, this wasn't going to be just a free meal. He took great care and time in making a fancy meal. I mean, stuffed chicken breast covered in zucchini and accompanied with friend zucchini chips. It was the bomb. For real.
I ate lunch with them and enjoyed the pleasant conversation. It was nice to talk to real people after 2 days of only communicating with God. Afterward I decided to spend a little more time at the pool. I thought for a brief moment that I had better be getting back, until I realized that I didn't have to get back. I could stay as long as I wanted. It was wonderful. I went back out to the pool only to discover a woman wading in the water. Remember that lady who was walking and gave me the kind smile and a wave? The one I didn't recognize? This was her!
I sat down and immediately began asking her about her camper. They are parked in the temporary sites with an older camper that they have remodeled as well. Turns out she renovated her camper much like we did, with real homey touches and charm throughout. I didn't find out her name until hours into our conversation, but it's Nicole. We are kindred spirits. Like me, she started having kids way too early and now, in her 40s, has 13 grandchildren. Her husband and her will be staying at Rock Lake for the month of August, before venturing out and heading west for the winter in their adorable camper. They are literally about to live my dream, people!
Nicole loves Jesus. She hates scary movies. She loves hanging in the pool and relaxing. She has a cat but wishes she could have a dog. She has never traveled anywhere and is beyond excited to discover and explore the United States with her husband. I am blessed to have met her and to have gotten to know so much about her. I look forward to spending more time with her this month and hopefully developing a real relationship. Heck, maybe I can get her and her husband to convince Mike to sell everything and hit the road too!
If I know anything about God, it's that there are no coincidences. Everything has a purpose and nothing is wasted. I don't know why God brought Nicole into my life, but I intend to find out.
When I returned to the camper, I was hungry again. I decided to make BLTs. I threw the bacon on the grill, but got distracted and within minutes it was burnt beyond repair. Now, I like to eat a burnt thing or two, but this was bad- even for me. (Insert lesson on not getting distracted and neglect the things that are going to nourish you, lest you destroy them.) Luckily, I had half of the package left that I took very good care of and had an amazing BLT for dinner.
Ok. Here's what I think happened today. I think God was teaching me to trust Him. He is going to always provide. I worry about our finances and Mike's health, but God wants me to give those things to Him and stop worrying about it.
Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?
Matthew 6:26-27
He made this clear when he sent Rick to feed me lunch. Not just food, but a delicate and carefully put together meal. He made it more clear when He sent me Nicole to talk to. Although I feel God's presence with me constantly, He knew that I needed human interaction. I needed a good conversation where I didn't have to tip toe around my faith or worry about offending anyone with it. I think God redeemed half of the bacon to show me that he makes beauty out of ashes- even bacon ashes. Plus, I think God cares about the childish desire to be Snow White in me. I think He cares about those little things that we deem ridiculous. And He is faithful to provide. I guess if I keep being quiet, the birds might keep showing up and bringing me peace and unspeakable joy along with them.
I'm so glad you're getting to practice your snow whiteness, It's funny, I was thinking of your Disney singing just the other day! I wonder if it was at the same time God was sending your feathered friends to hang with you. Hmmmmm gotta love God!!!