Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Taking Back What's Hers

Have you ever gone to bed at night and just had this awful feeling that there was someone or something lurking in the corner of the room? Maybe on the ceiling? (Yeah, we've all seen that movie..) Or even under your bed? Something dark and sinister. Something that is ready to creep up to your bedside and grab your ankle the moment your blanket betrays you and uncovers your unsuspecting foot. 

Yeah, I have struggled with this for a long time. I chose to watch some terrifying movies in the past that have stuck in my memory like a cold that just keeps sneaking up on you as soon as you think you've shook it. God's been teaching me how to take my sleep back, and as long as I actually listen to Him, I know I can have perfect peace. 

The problem lately, has been with my daughter. She has let go of my hand, and has begun walking alongside me, keeping her eyes on Jesus. She has decided for herself to go all in and pursue a relationship with Him all on her own. It is seriously one of the best parts of being her mom. Watching her spiritual life flourish, as she continues learning who she really is and what she really wants. The closer and more rooted she becomes in Christ, the more joy she has, the more peace she possesses, and the less people and things around her are able to affect her emotionally. 

So where's the problem?! 

Well, Luciana has experienced some really scary and supernatural things in her life. From the time she was a little girl, we have had to combat the terrors that come at night in every home we have lived in. She not only has those awful feelings of something being in the room with her, but she has actually seen dark, demonic things in her room in the past. It was always the same thing and it was always terrifying. She had to learn from a young age how to take back her territory and claim what is hers. 

This past weekend she wasn't able to sleep. She had those creepy feelings and sensed something in the room with her. She get very little sleep, and it was with every light in the room on. Needless to say, when I got home from the camper on Sunday, we knew we had to do something. 

I want to encourage you, if you haven't already, to bless your home. I am not talking about burning sage and speaking in tongues. We have blessed our homes (and campers) by walking through each room, praying and reading the Word of God. Anointing the things that Holy Spirit tells us with oil and removing things He doesn't want in our home. 

Sunday night, Luci and I went to her room. She read the entire Psalm 91 while I silently prayed, asking Holy Spirit to have His way. When she was finished, I grabbed her hand and we prayed together. Then, I began walking around to each corner of the room, praying that God would claim each inch for His glory and His purpose. 

I came to the corner by her bedroom door. As I closed the door I choked on my breath. It felt like something jumped out at me and I had an overwhelming sense of fear try to overtake me. I had to turn and walk the other way for a second to regain myself. It was at that moment that Luci said, "that's the corner that creeps me out." I didn't want to scare Luci, so I just kept praying and I went back to the corner a few times, reciting scripture and casting out whatever evil was there.

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
    will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
    my God, in whom I trust."

Finally I felt peace in that corner. But, y'all- it took a lot of prayer! It took us not being afraid to stand on the Word of God. To declare that it is truth and to believe it. Many people think that all you have to do is say it once and it's done. I am not saying that God isn't capable- because, duh... He can do anything. But even Jesus told Legion more than once to leave the poor guy in the tombs before they actually listened and left the man. 

Once that was done, we asked Holy Spirit to tell Luci if there was anything in the room that she needed to get rid of. You might be thinking I am totally nuts at this point, in which case, I am ok with. People thought Jesus was nuts, so I am in good company. But the reality is, that things matter. 

I explained to Luci that she wants her room to be a sanctuary. A shelter of the Most High. A refuge and fortress. She wants her room to be like the Holy of Holies. I then explained to her how the Holy of Holies was the place where the Spirit of God dwelt before Jesus died and the veil was torn. It was such a sacred and holy place, that before the high priest could enter to offer their sacrifices to God, they had to undergo a rigorous purification process. Even after undergoing this process, they went into the room with a rope tied to their ankle and probably with a whole lot of fear. I mean, if there was any sin in them, they would drop dead and their carcass would have to be pulled out via the rope on their ankle.

Don't you want your bedroom, where you lay your head, where you are at your most vulnerable, to be a place where evil drops dead the moment it enters? That's what I want too! So Holy Spirit began showing Luci the items in her room that she needed to remove. The things that He would never want in His throne room. The things that didn't glorify and honor Him. 

Among these items, was an elephant candle Luci had recently purchased. She really likes this candle, however, it is painted in a way that makes it really appear as a relic to the Hindu gods. Even though Luci doesn't worship any Hindu gods, she knew she couldn't have another religion's idol in the temple of God. There was also some books. Harry Potter books. Luci hadn't even read them all and didn't really have much interest. No big deal right? Well, did you know that when researching for the books, the author dug into real witchcraft and used actual spells in the novels? So here's a book with actual spells sitting in the Holy of Holies... ah no way. 

I am sure some of you are thinking (because I thought it too)- it's just stuff. It's no big deal. That isn't where her heart lies, so who cares? Well.... exactly. It's not anything that matters to her. It's not something that she holds dear, so who cares if she purges it? I liken it to when Mike and I got married. (I am a bit of a jealous person...) He had a bunch of these cute single girls on his Facebook page. He was friends with them and they meant nothing to him. But they bothered me. Even though they meant nothing to him, because they hurt me- he deleted them. Because he loves me and values our relationship over having some random girls that he barely knows on his social media. 

Well, God is a jealous God. 

 You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me...
Exodus 20:5

There were a couple things that Luci wanted to keep, but wanted to be sure that it honored God, so we prayed and asked God to purify them and for Holy Spirit to help Luci only use them to glorify and honor God. 

There were things that reminded Luci of a time when she was not living for God. Maybe a time when she was in the darkest place of her life. Maybe a time when she was betrayed or hurt. A time when she lied and betrayed those she loves. A time when she was chasing after things that weren't good for her. These things she didn't want to keep around anymore. She didn't want reminders of her sin and shame and heartache. She wants to move forward in hope, love, peace, and ridiculous grace. 

I know you're wondering, so I will tell you, that Monday Luci awoke from the best sleep she's had in a very long time. Viewing her room as a temple of God, as the Holy of Holies, as the throne room has changed a lot for her. She is more conscious of what she allows in her sanctuary and what she doesn't. And she now has perfect peace.

You keep him in perfect peace
    whose mind is stayed on you,
    because he trusts in you.
Isaiah 26:3      

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