Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Why Do We Worship?

Have you ever met someone who didn't like music? I don't know that I have. Sure, everyone has their own likes and dislikes for different genres and songs, but I can't recall knowing anyone who doesn't like all music in general. That's just crazy.

But I have known some people who aren't really into the worship music at church. It's not their style or favorite by any means. They would rather die than be caught swaying and raising their hands, let alone actually sing out loud with the worship band. I am, by no means, judging or criticizing these people. In fact, my gorgeous husband is one of these people. Don't get me wrong, he does enjoy and sing along with some of the songs, but it's not his favorite part of the service. 

These people really could care less if we skipped worship all together and just got to the heart of the service- the message. The word of God. They come to church to learn what God has to teach them, and I respect that. 

There is, however, a nagging thought that I can't seem to escape. Why do we worship? What is happening when we are singing? What is the point in the band and the people and the words on the screen? Why don't we just dive right in to the meat? Don't worry, I've done some praying and researching, and I have discovered some incredible things. 

Remember those songs in your life that seemed to connect to exactly where you were? It was as if they were written just for you and whatever you happened to be going through at the time? I remember going through a bad breakup and screaming at the top of my lungs to Picture To Burn by Taylor Swift. My anthem when I left my family and life behind me was I'm Moving On by Rascal Flatts. I still think of my sister and the season when we grew closest to each other when I hear Umbrella by Rihanna. 

It was through Contemporary Christian music that God wooed me back into His arms. It sparked something in my heart and caused me to want to go back to church. Once there, of course I didn't know any of the worship songs and wouldn't be caught dead raising my hands. At first, worship was something I patiently waited through. Some people standing in front of the church making noise. This kind of music was nothing that I could ever see myself connecting with. Ever. 

Then I moved to Georgia, where we started attending a church that inspired something new in me. It introduced me to a place where the Spirit of God and melody intertwined in the most beautiful way. It connected with me, not just emotionally, but also spiritually. It was a new experience that I couldn't get enough of! I came to a place where I couldn't understand why anyone wouldn't want to spend all day in worship. Why would anyone not want to sing their hearts out, and raise their hands, and move their bodies to the music that wrapped around each soul in the room?! 

I discovered there are hundreds of scriptures telling us to sing and give praise to the Lord. Did you know that? Guys. Hundreds of scriptures. Over 400 references to singing, and 50 direct commands to sing. The Book of Psalms is an entire book of songs, and it's the longest book in the Bible! This tells me that it's pretty important to God. 

Oh sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, bless his name; tell of his salvation from day to day. -Psalm 96:1-2

Sing praises to God, sing praises! Sing praises to our King, sing praises!- Psalm 47:6

God loves worship! He loves singing! Not just hearing us, but did you know that He sings over us?!? 

The Lord your God is with you,
    the Mighty Warrior who saves.
He will take great delight in you;
    in his love he will no longer rebuke you,
    but will rejoice over you with singing.
Zephaniah 3:17

To me, the church service is laid out in a specific way for a specific reason. A good reason. 

*You start with a prayer- asking God to have His way in this meeting and to be glorified by whatever happens. 
*Then you move into worship- a way of ushering in a connection between you and the Spirit of God. A way of getting your mind and your heart ready to receive what He has for you that day. A way to praise your Father for all that He has done and continues to do. It gets you in the right posture for receiving His word- a posture of surrender. Hence the hands in the air. (It's like when someone points a gun at you and you raise your hands in surrender, letting the person know they have full control over the situation.. except God doesn't bring a gun (duh)- just peace, mercy, guidance, all that good stuff.) When we come to God acknowledging that we have absolutely nothing to offer Him other than our praises, it puts things into perspective. It reminds us how small we are and how great He is. 
*The next step is getting into the Word of God.- We are now in a place where we can actually learn. Our hearts and minds are set on the greatness of who God is and our pride and egos are sitting outside. We are able to not be offended by what the word says, but to actually learn and allow God to mold and change us. 
*Last step might be another worship song.- A way of thanking God for teaching us and growing us and providing always for us, and never giving up on us- even in our hardheartedness.

Since being at our current church, I have watched people very close to me grow exponentially in their faith. I have seen people who were so closed off for so long come to a point of total surrender. These people who stood quietly and patiently during worship, maybe singing a little, but not willing to make a fool of themselves are getting baptized spontaneously, singing at the top of their lungs, and just this past Sunday I saw people with their arms fully extended and hands open to God, as if they were trying to just get a touch of Heaven. It's that kind of sold-out, all-in, never-looking-back mentality that is freeing them from the chains this world has kept them in.

So if you're one of those people who doesn't really understand, I encourage you to ask God to dig deeper. Ask God to search within you and find that part of you that has been closed off to Him. Because I know that you want a full relationship with your Father. I know you want to go deeper. I know you don't want a piece of yourself kept hidden. 

If the oceans roar Your greatness so will I
For if everything exists to lift You high so will I
If the wind goes where You send it so will I
If the rocks cry out in silence so will I
If the sum of all our praises still falls shy

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