Thursday, June 7, 2012

This Thing Called Blogging

Soo today marks the beginning of my blogging adventures. I am growing tired of Facebook and all the drama and disgusting "likes" I constantly see on there. It makes me want to delete most everyone on there, however, I am aware this will only cause more drama. It isn't that I don't love and adore my family and friends, it is just that I don't always agree with how they are portraying themselves with their activity on facebook. "Liking" all these pictures of people making out and half naked.. hmm.. do people not know what this is making themselves look like? Whatever happend to class and modesty? I understand some sweet quotes are great and all, but if its included with a picture of a guy groping a girl up her skirt... maybe we should just copy the quote instead of "liking" the picture, eh? I am at a point where my 10 year old daughter is going to have a lot less people on her facebook, including kids her age, because of things like this. It is sad and disheartening seeing what our youth is doing and becoming invloved in. I pray my girls keep their innocense as long as is humanly possible, and if that means Luci gets no friends on facebook.. so be it.

I am told that my facebook page is important to people in my family as we are living across the country from everyone. It is important for them to keep up to date with what is happening with the girls and our family, as well as see pictures of us all. This is why I have created this blog. I can keep everyone up on what we are doing and hang on to facebook for uploading pictures. Thanks for reading my rant and I pray you know I am not judging anyone, this is just for my own personal preference. Love yous guys : )

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Sarah! I keep a blog for the very same reason - to keep in touch with my family and friends who live in Texas and Virginia. It's a great way to document those every day events that together tell the story of our lives and for importantly to me anyway, the stories of my boys' childhoods. Can't wait to read more!
