Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Lila Ruth

I remember it like it was yesterday. I was scheduled for my first routine cesarean section (Grace had been an emergency c-section). I was scared as all get out, because it was also my first military birth. I had heard that my OB was an extremely good doctor, although I am pretty sure he slept through the bedside manner part of his schooling (he was a HUGE jerk!!). I was 38 weeks along and at Trident Hospital in Charleston, SC. I was getting all prepped and ready for surgery and things were nervous, but exciting at the same time. They told my husband (now ex) to wait outside the operating room until they had me all prepped and ready. The anaesthesiologist came in and looked VERY tired, but seemed like he knew what he was doing. This was my first spinal block and I was nervous, but had 2 epidurals in the past and was confident it was going to go smoothly. He tried a total of THREE times before he finally got it right and gave me the medication into my spine. (This mistake wound up causing me a spinal headache and 2 weeks of laying COMPLETELY flat (not even a pillow)...) The OB waited a few minutes and then poked me, I could still feel him, so they had the bed tipped and I swear I was upside down and almost on the floor! Finally it was numb enough that I was able to endure the surgery and stop sobbing in pain. My husband came in and sat next to me and after a few minutes we heard her cry for the first time. When we finally saw her, she was so amazing! Chubby and bald and wonderful.

She was my first bald child and my first child to take to breastfeeding like it was something we had been doing together for years. We named her Lila (a beautiful old lady name) Ruth (my great-grandma and my mom's middle name). From the day we brought her home she was nothing but a complete joy. She was beyond easy and happy as the day is long! As an infant she would wake in her crib and just play with her hands and feet until I woke up and went in to get her. When I walked in she would greet me with the biggest smile in the world! Her dad always called her a bass because she had this huge and silent smile that took up her whole face. When I was sad or crying she would crawl up to me and start giggling or making funny noises to make me laugh. Once I stopped crying, she would go back to playing.

Lila has always brightened the room when she enters it and I believe she always will. Her personality is one that draws people to her and her heart is so pure and loving. Since she was a baby she has loved to make people laugh. To this day, the crazy things she says and does make everyone giggle. She is a natural genius (I am not surprised being that her father is too). Everything comes so easy to her and I am confident she will be an honor roll student in the future. At 2 years old she baffled people at how she could clearly sing every word to 'Lovin Touchin Squeezin' by Journey. The girl can still memorize about any song she hears more than once. 

I am so glad to have been blessed by being the one to be Lila's mommy. I adore and love her so much and the past 6 years have been an absolute joy with her. I am humbled that I was put in charge of raising one of God's finest creations. Happy birthday to my sweet, funny, and kinda crazy Lila Ruth. I love you more than this blog could ever describe.  

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