Sunday, April 26, 2015


I sit here in my driveway on a hot and sunny Sunday afternoon. I listen to my girls splashing and playing in our tiny pitiful half blown up swimming pool. Their laughter carries on the breeze and brings life and joy to wherever it reaches. My handsome and ever so handy husband busies himself tinkering away in the garage, building some new project. I look up at the bright blue sky spattered with only a few stretched cotton clouds. The sun is bright and hot against my skin. The breeze brings cool relief from the heat. And all is right with the world.

This past week has been a stressful one. I was turned down for a job position that I believed that I had. I truly thought it was mine. So much so, that I bought new clothes and set daycare up. I started rearranging our schedules to fit this new job into our lives. But, after waiting over a week, I received the email telling me they decided to go another way. In reality, I was one of two top candidates and almost had the job. In my head, I was totally rejected and not good enough. 

I probably wouldn't be so worried about it if we weren't a measly 47 days away from saying goodbye to the army for good. This is a rough transition for all who walk this route and all the "should'ves" and "could'ves" won't change that we are on it. So here we go. Down an uncertain and scary road. I admitted to my husband the other day that I am in that place. Scared. I am scared that this was a mistake. I am scared that we are almost among the 1,800 unemployed people searching for jobs in Liberty county. I am not only scared that I don't know how we will pay our bills or where our meals will come from; but I am also scared that my marriage will suffer under the weight of financial struggle. 

Mike and I have never had major financial issues. Never been at risk of having our power cut off. Never had to skip a car payment and never been late on our mortgage. Sure, there have been birthdays where we had to spend much less on our girls, or Christmases that we had to choose between buying gifts and going to visit family. But nothing ever detrimental. Nothing ever that caused turmoil in our marriage. I have seen marriages suffer and crumble under the burden of money issues and I never want us to get there. Ever. 

I know that God has us. I know that He is in control, even if I am desperately grasping at the steering wheel. He is driving this bus. I know that the reason He didn't give me a job that I thought I should have is because He has a different plan. I don't understand it and I surely don't see where this is going, but I have to trust Him. I have to. Because if I don't, then I am going to drown in this sea of fear with waves of worry pulling me under as each moment passes. Without Him I fail. Every time. With Him in the driver's seat, I know every thing is going to be ok. Because He can't fail. It's impossible. 

I felt like a failure all week long. Like I wasn't good enough or worthy enough. Like I had failed myself and my family by not landing this job. But those feelings weren't from God. They were lies being whispered into my heart by the most clever of liars. They were aimed right at my insecurities and they hit the target on the bulls eye.

I have had a feeling that God is trying to tell me something, but for the life of me, I couldn't hear Him. I was neck deep in the word this week desperately seeking to know what He has for me, but my ears and my eyes were clouded with the veil of lies that was being woven each morning when I woke up. It wasn't until this morning that I finally heard His sweet and loving voice. 

I walked into church with an expectation that God was going to reveal Himself to me in a way that I couldn't see all week long. He was going to speak to me and it was going to be so good. I was looking for some incredible profound word from Him, but what He gave me was so much simpler. It was so easy and so clear and right in front of me. Why had I missed it?

Oh I heard a thousands stories
Of what they think you're like
But I heard the tender whisper of love
In the dead of night
And you tell me that you're pleased
And that I'm never alone
My Father just wanted me to know that I am not a failure. That I am not a disappointment. That I haven't and I won't let me family down. He wanted me to know that He is pleased with me and He is always right here with me. Even when I feel alone. When I feel the lies and doubt beginning to cover me like a shroud, I can trust that He is right there. Waiting to reassure me and bring me back to the light and to truth.
He is a "good good Father". It's who He is. And thankfully, we serve an unchanging God. So, He always will be good. So good. 
Oh and I've seen many searching
For answers far and wide
But I know we're all searching
For answers only You provide
'Cause you know just what we need
Before we say a word
God already knows what my family needs. He has it all worked out. The pieces are falling into place like an elaborate game of chess. Each piece must move to it's specific place before the next can move to it's. I am glad He is the chess Master and never loses.
So you see, it's all about perspective. I can view my situation as a desperate one. I can wallow in regret and fear and doubt. I can allow it to consume me. Desperately trying to prove myself to my family and friends that I can handle this and that I am good enough. Laying awake at night overcome with useless"what ifs".
.... Or....
I can trust that God has it all under control. I can sit back and reminisce of all the times when hope seemed small, yet He showed up like my superhero and provided for our needs and desires. I can remind myself that He is here with me and that He is never leaving. I can stop worrying about tomorrow and soak up the hot sunshine in my driveway while my girls splash and laugh delightfully. I can look up at the gorgeous landscape and bright blue sky and know that He is perfect in all of His ways.   


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