As you already know, my husband and I have 5 beautiful girls. The initial reaction we get from people when they learn this is shock. Surprise. Amazement. My favorite one is pity. That's right. Some people feel bad for us! I take a look around at some of the kids I see when we are out and about and I get it. If my girls were out of control, disrespectful, terrifying little beasts, then yes. I would appreciate all the pity I could get. And wine. Lots of wine.
But, fortunately, I am not an alcoholic. In fact, I rarely drink at all. My girls don't "drive me to drink". They make me laugh. They show me the world through different eyes. They inspire me. I want to enjoy the littlest of things that I often take for granted, and my girls remind me to do so.
Ever since my husband and I started our fabulous journey together, we have discussed taking in even more kids one day. Foster kids. Kids who have been taken from their homes because of one reason or another. Hurting kids who are confused, scared, sad, and unfortunately sometimes abused or neglected. It kills me to know that these kids may not have a loving and safe place to land during this time. This is where we will step in.
I know what you're thinking. More kids?! Seriously?! That's right, folks. For some reason, God chose us crazy people to help his lost, abandoned, neglected, and hurting babies. What about your kids?! Well, our girls are thrilled with the idea! They love the idea of having more sisters and maybe even a few brothers. Lila has already begun planning where a bunk bed will go so she can share her room. (Her idea, not ours.) Luciana is of course thrilled to help out others, as long as they aren't older than her. Grace has the same request. Mike and I definitely agree. We want our girls to be positive role models for these kids and influence them in a loving-big-sister kind of way.
I could go over all the details of what our family has agreed on. Boy or girl? Sibling group? Special needs? It's a lot of details that really don't matter to you, so I won't bore you. They are things that our family has discussed because we need to do what's best for everyone.
What we know is this. There are a lot of jacked up kids out there with nobody to love them. A wise and wonderful woman once told me, "Love your kids more than the world will." The world is cruel, cold, selfish, neglectful. It will only offer judgment, condemnation, ridicule, expectations, and competition. I choose to love my kids more than the world could ever dream. But God gave me a ridiculously big heart with enough love for other people's kids too. So, why not show them the love, grace, mercy, acceptance, kindness, and compassion that they may have never known?
We have begun our classes that are required to become foster parents. We are going to go through all the motions and take this one step at a time. Each child placed with us will be exactly where he or she is meant to be during this time and we won't screw it up. We are grateful to even be offered the opportunity. Sure, there will be heartache and pain at times, but that is all a part of life. If you sprain your ankle during the best dance of your life... well you still had the best dance of your life, eh?
**I dare you to watch this and not feel something. Honestly, it was this video that inspired me not to wait. To start the process now. If you have questions about becoming a foster parent, ask me! If you are interested, you can also contact your local Department of Family and Child Services office. They can help you too :)
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