Sunday, November 30, 2014

My Healing

I had an experience that has changed my life. It has redefined my past. It has
unclouded my present. It has brightened my future. I won’t tell you about the place I went to, but I will share my story with you. After all, that is the whole point. October 2nd through the 5th of 2014 was just for me. God set everything into motion. There were many moving parts and they were all oiled to perfection. There was not one coincidence or accident. Every moment (from the prayers that were spoken to the times I went to the bathroom) was ordained by God, for me.
It was said to me that sin is not what sends us to hell. Not lying, not stealing, not adultery, not rape, not even murder. What keeps us out of Heaven... is not accepting God’s grace. See, all those sins have been bought and paid for! It’s done! The bill was paid and the receipt we have to prove it is the scars on the hands, feet, and side of Jesus! It’s done. All we have to do is accept this grace that has been freely offered us.
I thought I had accepted God’s grace, and for most things in my life I had. I thought this didn’t really pertain to me... but I was wrong. Remember how every word and every moment was just for me? Matthew 6:15 says, “But if you do not forgive others their sins, the Father will not forgive your sins. Hmm... I had forgiven everyone, right? I had forgiven my parents, my husband, my ex husband, my friends, and anyone who had wronged me. Right? Wrong. I quickly learned that while I had forgiven those who wronged me on a very broad scale, there were still significant moments in my life that I needed to specifically let go of. Unforgiveness was keeping me from receiving God’s grace.
When I was little, my parents loved me. They told me all the time that I was their princess. And they loved each other dearly (or so I thought). See, I rarely saw my parents fight, so I assumed life was great. You can imagine my utter shock and disappointment when I learned one day that my parents were to be divorced. My dad picked up and moved across the country and left me behind. I tried to chase after him. I called and wrote letters. I begged to visit, but he was busy with his own life and had seemingly moved on from the one he shared with me.
There was one specific moment that sticks out. I had learned about pen pals in school and I thought it was a brilliant idea for my dad and I to do this. I rushed home to write him a letter and I couldn’t wait to get a stamp from my mom and send it off in the incredibly exciting mailbox. I checked the mailbox daily and I waited. I had faith in my daddy. He wouldn’t let me down because he called me his princess. You don’t let down a princess.
Day after day I checked the mailbox, and day after day I was disappointed. Finally, the best day ever came and I had a letter waiting on me in that magical box! I rushed inside and tore that sucker open so fast! I read the letter. It didn’t take long because it was very short. I don’t remember what else my dad had to say other than he couldn’t be my pen pal, because he couldn’t afford stamps. Devastation. Keeping an open communication with me wasn’t worth the 35 cents. I wasn’t worth 35 cents. I wasn’t enough.

Fast forward to when I was 19 years old. I had a 2 year old and an infant. I was self destructive and had no self worth. I didn’t care about myself and I surely didn’t care about my body. Men could do whatever they wanted with it. Even men I had just met. I was fresh out of a verbally and mentally abusive relationship with an alcoholic. I began seeing other men and one fateful day I discovered I was pregnant. How could this happen? I always told people it was my ex boyfriend’s baby. To those people, I am truly sorry for my deceit. The truth is, I don’t know whose baby it was. I traced the calendar and came up with a pretty good idea, but I am still not sure.

I struggled with what to do. I was a single mom living at home with my own mom. I honestly don’t even think I had a job at this point. I knew I couldn’t have another baby. The problem, I was too selfish to give it away and I didn’t believe in abortion. I waited and waited. Praying for a miscarriage.

Finally I called up my best friend and asked her to take me to a clinic downtown to discuss abortion. She took me, without question. When we got there, there were people outside with signs calling me a murderer. Telling me I was killing a baby and that I was a mommy right at that moment. I kept my head down and kept walking. my fearless friend holding my arm and supporting me the entire way. Once inside the people working there began to explain the process to me and asked me if I was sure. They did some blood work and sent me home.

There was a 24 hour waiting period. It felt like an eternity. I could feel the weight of what I was doing like a wet blanket and I just wanted to get it over with so I could ask God for forgiveness. That’s how it works right?

Well a couple days later we went back to the clinic. They were wary of performing the abortion because the labs showed I was a few days over 12 weeks pregnant. The law in Minnesota stated that I couldn’t be over 12 weeks pregnant to terminate. The nurse fudged the paperwork and brought me into the procedure room. There was a huge glass jar attached to some machine with a vacuum hose. It looked like something out of a horror movie, so I quickly changed, laid down, and closed my eyes. The nurse could see my distress and quickly gave me some medication that made me giggle. Seriously. Giggle... like a lot! I laid there as they vacuumed the baby out of my body. I was laughing because of the pictures of kittens on the ceiling. I couldn’t figure out if the kitten was supposed to make me feel better about all this, but either way the drugs made sure nothing hurt.. not even my heart or my conscience. It was soon over and they sent me home.

As we pulled into my mom’s driveway, I saw her out pulling weeds in her garden. I was woozy and was instructed to lay down for the first 24 hours because of the bleeding that was to occur. My mom asked me to help her carry some heavy bags of soil and I told her I couldn’t. She asked me why and I would’ve lied to her.. but the guilt was already too heavy to bear, I couldn’t add more to it. I told her I needed to tell her something and we went to sit in the living room. I told her I had just had an abortion. I wish I could tell you this is where she came to my side, hugged me, kissed me, prayed with me.... but that is far from the case. She looked at me stunned. The anger and disappointment began to build in her and all she could do was scream, “MURDERER!”.

See, my mom is human. She is a person like you and I and she has emotions that she can't lie about. She was bowled over by a shocking statement that I threw out at her without warning. She hadn't seen this coming. How could she? I had already had 2 babies. I valued life. I loved my children. Being a young mom of two, how could I have been so irresponsible? How could I have been so foolish and weak? How come I didn't learn from my actions? She responded out of her emotion. Her pain, her fear, her heart breaking at all the things that had just happened. I do not hate her for how she reacted. I am not upset in the least. She is a fantastic mom and took care of me and loved me when I was unlovable. But right at this moment, in her emotion- I was judged. I was condemned. I was not enough for her to show me mercy and compassion. I was not enough.

Before I go on, I want to add something. If you are a woman and you have had a baby, I know you have googled each and every week and milestone of your pregnancy. Well, I did the same. When I was pregnant with my beautiful Lila Ruth, I googled each week and learned of how much my baby was growing. I always got a little stung when week 12 would come along. says this about a 12 week old fetus: The most dramatic development this
week: reflexes. Your baby's fingers will soon begin to open and close, his toes will curl, his eye muscles will clench, and his mouth will make sucking movements. In fact, if you prod your abdomen, your baby will squirm in response, although you won't be able to feel it. His face look unquestionable human. From crown to rump, your baby to be is just over 2 inches long (about the size of a lime) and weighs half an ounce.

I was able to move on from my abortion fairly quickly, justifying that I saved that “thing” from having to struggle with a mama who already struggled with her other kids. I repented, but I didn’t mean it. Had I been able to go back in time, I would’ve done it again.

2 years ago I read Heaven Is For Real. That testimony rocked my world. It made me view my ‘fetus’ as a baby. As an actual person. I had to face the fact that my baby had a face. He had a beautiful little mouth that could suckle. He had fingers and toes that he was practising moving. He was big enough to fit in the palm of my hand. And most importantly, he could feel. Remember how babycenter said when you poke your abdomen, baby would move... that’s because he could FEEL. When I killed my baby and had him vacuumed from my body... he felt that. I did that to him. Reading that, I knew my mom was right. I really was a murderer. I finally repented for real. I asked for God’s forgiveness, because I would have never walked through those doors if I could change what I had done. My baby was a person. Formed by God in His image. He was being held and loved and cared for by the Father. I felt certain that I didn’t deserve that baby. I would never hold that baby in Heaven. I would never lay eyes on him. I didn’t deserve it. I wasn’t enough.

These events in my life I thought I had dealt with. I had only scratched the surface. I have spent the last 20 years of my life trying to be enough. I would do anything and everything to make you like me. I would change and mold my likes and dislikes. I would inconvenience my life and make myself miserable, if that is what it took to please you. I had to keep having babies because I was desperately trying to show God, my mom, whatever boyfriend I was with, and the world that I could atone for my sins. That I could be enough. I started working with the Children’s Church at RC, trying to make it up to God. My husband and I are going to begin foster care training this fall. I have been desperately trying to earn God’s grace. To show Him that I can be enough. Problem is... grace can’t be earned.

I realized that weekend that I had to forgive my dad for making me feel like I wasn’t enough. I had to forgive him deeply. Because of his actions, I had been treating God like he was my earthly father. I had been treating Him like He was the one who treated me as if I was disposable. As if I wasn’t worth 35 cents. I had to forgive my mom for her lack of mercy, grace, and compassion. I had to forgive her for not loving me in my darkest hour. I had to forgive my best friend for never trying to stop me.

Mostly, I had to forgive myself. I had been so wrong for so long. I had wrongly treated God for the actions of my father, but most importantly I had to forgive myself for having
that abortion. For killing my beautiful baby. I realized this past weekend that I never mourned for that baby. I didn’t feel like I had the right to. So, you can imagine the roaring sobs that came from this crybaby that night. I allowed myself to let go of my own throat. I allowed myself to mourn the death of my baby. I allowed myself the audacity to even pray and ask God to reveal details about that baby. And you know what? God, in all His abundant love.. lavished me with grace. He showed me my baby boy. The only baby boy my body has ever made. Not only that, but he told me his name. Josiah Andrew. You have to understand, this can only be from God. I would never name my child such a name. I am not highly attracted to Josiah, and Andrew happens to be my ex husband.... But God later revealed to me that Josiah Andrew has deep meaning in Hebrew.

Josiah means Jehovah heals, and Andrew means man or warrior. God named my baby: God
heals His warrior. Perfect, isn’t it?

God used the mouths of several people to speak to me. The theme He kept repeating, was “You are enough. You are enough.” Once I was able to let go of the past junk that I held onto to so tightly, my eyes were opened and I could finally see. God gave me these girls because he loves me. Because he trusts me with them. Because I am enough. God gave me the Children’s Ministry at RC because he loves me. Because he trusts me with the spiritual guidance of all these babies. Because I am enough. God put fostering on my heart because he even trusts me with babies that have been broken, abused, hurt, abandoned, and neglected. He trusts me with his most precious creation. Because I am enough.

I still have the same hearts desires I had before. Serving women and children and showing them their eternal worth but now it is for different reasons. For godly reasons. For pure and unselfish reasons. I was gone for 3 days in the wilderness with God where he spoke tenderly to my heart. I gained a daddy who will never fail me. I gained a baby boy who is waiting on me in Heaven. I gained a purpose. I gained a new perspective on life, love, marriage, children, everything! My husband has never been so gorgeous to me. My children have never smelled so wonderful to me. My home has never felt more peaceful. My heart is finally free to accept the grace that God has been waiting to pour on me. When people tell you that accepting Jesus will bring a transformation, and it is so true. I am transformed. I am free... and I am enough.

Isaiah 43:18-19 NIV
"Forget the former things;
do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland.

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