Thursday, August 7, 2014

They say it's your birthday...

So, there's this woman. She is a pretty incredible. You might know her by one of her many nicknames, but I call her Mom. Today this woman turns 39 (again...) and doesn't look a day over 35. This is one of the strongest, kindest, toughest, smartest, and most beautiful people I know. I am not claiming she is perfect. None of us are. But, she did the very best she could for my sisters and I, and for that I am forever grateful.

I remember being little and my dad driving coach busses across the country. One trip he took my two older sisters and I was so mad to have to stay home. But, I quickly got over it when I realized that I had my mommy all to myself. I remember helping her with the dishes, watching movies, and just being with her. That was all I wanted. Was to be with her.

Flash forward to the teenage years when I didn't want to be with her so much anymore... Finding out I was pregnant at 16 years old and being scared to death. After having "the flu" for weeks, my mom grabbed her coat one night and started heading for the door. I asked where she was going at such a late hour. She told me she was going to get a pregnancy test for me. I put my head down in shame and told her to wait. I came out of my room seconds later with a hand full of sticks that all bared two very pink lines. I waited for the screaming and yelling and punishments that would never come. As I cried my eyes out, I listened to my mom, strong and steady, tell me that it was time to grow up. I had a baby coming and I had better get my act together. I knew her heart was broken, but she was strong for me. She stayed strong and steady, by my side, always in my corner cheering me on ever since.

Several years (and kids) later, I see my mom being that same loving woman to my children. Encouraging them, cheering them on with every bold step they take. Holding them and kissing them when they need it, correcting them when they need it, and always making sure they have a supply of those amazing sea salt and caramel cookies they love so much. She started over with them. Only, instead of the stress and worry that I gave her, she only has the good stuff. I am the mom I am today because of the mom I have.

We don't always agree with each other's choices, and thankfully we don't have to. We aren't called to be in sync. We are called to love each other no matter what. If there is anyone in my life who I can honestly say I have never doubted their love for me- it's her. She never stopped fighting for me. She never stopped supporting my choices, even if she disagreed. She never stopped picking me back up when I had fallen flat on my face. I can rest assured that she never will. She has been Mama, Mommy, Mom, Ma, and now as an adult with a family of my own, I am honored to also call her my friend.

This woman should be loved. This woman should be honored and cherished. This woman should be touched only with the gentlest of hands. This woman should be respected. God has big plans for this amazing woman. She is his most beloved daughter, after all. I just pray that at some point in her life- she will see herself this way. She will see all that she is and all that God sees in her. He made every fiber of her being exactly right, because He doesn't make mistakes. I thank God for this incredible woman and I pray this day be especially wonderful for her. I love you, Mama <3 

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