Monday, June 23, 2014

T Minus 2 Days... See you soon, Sweet Luci

It's happening. In 2 days. My baby girl is going out into this big world without me to hold her hand and guide her. Well, ok... It's not my baby girl. It's actually my oldest daughter, Luciana. She isn't going out into the big bad world all alone, either. She is going with a group of other children her age, and adult leaders who are all on fire for Christ. She is, realistically, going on the safest of all the missions. Luci will be embarking on a journey that will take her by bus from Florida to Indiana, where she will spread the gospel of Jesus through drama, dance, puppet shows, etc. She will be telling people about Jesus.

Now, you notice that I didn't say she would be on the easiest trip. I said the safest. Let's be honest with each other... telling people- especially strangers- about Jesus is anything but easy. A friend told me the other day that her first impression of me was that I was "weird". That's it... Weird. So I pressed, trying to figure out what that meant. I have been told that people thought I was snotty, stuck up, or just simply a bit#% (female dog.. you catch my drift..) She explained that I was "weird" because I always talked about Jesus. Jesus this and Jesus that. It was all I had to talk about... But, she said it was not creepy, or pushy. It was welcoming because I had a smile on my face.

I never pushed my God on her. I never tried to beat her over the head with my Bible. And I most certainly, never threatened her with eternal damnation if she didn't get on this Jesus Train. I simply fell in love with this amazing God-man, and couldn't stop telling everyone about Him. I spoke of Him in truth and love. Unfortunately, many people try to shove God down others' throats and it isn't working. I assure you, those who you think you are saving, are only afraid that the alternative is burning in an eternal hell-fire. That isn't a real relationship with God. That isn't love. That is fear, and my God isn't a god of fear.

So, my daughter will be in a place with Americans who have their walls up and their blinders on. She will be trying to share Jesus in truth and love.  She won't shove the Word down anyone's throat, and she most certainly won't threaten anyone. She must be bold. She must be courageous. She must learn to step out of her comfort zone and be prepared to be rejected. She must guard her heart and mind so as not to be effected by anyone who might come at her with rejection or debate. She is a 12 year old girl who is just beginning her journey with Jesus. She can't do this alone. She needs the Spirit to fill her and provide her with the knowledge, wisdom, strength, and courage it will take to accomplish her tasks. I ask that you be in prayer with me over the next 5 weeks. Pray for Luciana to have all these necessary gifts. Pray for her comfort when she starts to miss home. Pray for her strength to endure the hardships and sacrifices she is about to face. I thank you for your love, support, and prayers.

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