So I receive a text from a dear friend. Just checking in to make sure I am breathing, I suppose.. and she gives me the most brilliant advice (advice that "they" were all withholding from me- cause that would be less hilarious)... Clorox. I know, right? Why did I not think of this myself. Bleach can kill anything. I am sure if doctors could inject bleach into a cancerous tumor without killing their patient- they most definitely would. So I pull out a spray bottle and begin spraying their plague-spots with bleach. My friend warned me it would burn and they would tell me to stop- but there was no reaction. Nothing. Oh great, my dear friend is now one of "them".... But wait... a few more sprays and the whining begins. VICTORY! It is working! I tell my beautiful girls to suck it up- the more it burns, the more it's working... right?? (In reality I was much sweeter and more sympathetic- blowing on their owies and telling them how brave they are.. yada yada...)
Same friend (now out of the "them" group again) texts me today asking how the Clorox is working.. I tell her it's kind of helping, I guess. She asks if I am scrubbing hard enough... Wait, what?! Scrubbing?! Oh dear Lord Jesus. With the burning, I don't know if I can torture them more.... umm.. yes I can. Got to be tough to kick the plague, right? So today we scrub bleach on their spots and sure as I am still alive- the spots begin to disappear. It was as if I was scrubbing them right off! (All but two spots that I didn't really scrub cause they are red and raw and even bleeding a bit...) Praise the Lord, Jesus! The plague is being defeated. You would think that I found a cure for AIDS.

All of these things that want to sneak up and overwhelm and smother me in their misery.... well they all seem a little less terrible now that I have found the cure for the plague. One small victory for the McLaughlin house today.
Like the YouTube video of a past service that I missed preached to me today- It is well with my soul. I will rejoice and remind myself probably a zillion more times before this summer is over... It is well with my soul.
It is well with my soul.
YOU my friend are a SUPER MOM!!! <3 Awesomeness in the McLaughlin household!!