Tuesday, March 4, 2014

I had a vision of love... ok so I'm no Mariah Carey...

In my mind I picture a cottage. Quaint. Cozy. Inviting. Inside is small, but not too small. There is a fire crackling in the stone fireplace, giving the most perfect warmth. The whole place smells like freshly baking cookies, and there is a table filled with the most delicious home cooked comfort foods. It feels warm. Safe. Comfortable. There is an overall feeling of joy, that you can't quite explain. It is just... Perfect.

Outside of this cozy warm comfortable cottage it is cold. It is dark. Not dark like the deepest parts of the night, but dark like a gloomy and rainy day. There is rain occasionally, but not constantly. There is no sunshine. No warmth. Just the small hope that the clouds will part and the sun will eventually peek through. There is a cold wind. Kind of a breeze that pierces your cheeks like needles. The uncomfortable cold breeze that you want to hide every inch of your skin from.

Outside represents the world. It's cold. It's mean. It's ugly. As much hope as we cling to for something better, and as much as we search for it... there is nothing that will warm us or fulfill us. It is a barren wasteland of hurt, pain, fear, doubt, and death.

The cottage represents being in relationship with the Lord. It is warm. It is cozy. There is fulfillment and nourishment like you never dreamed of. Everything good and pure is there and it's yours for the taking. Hope, love, joy... It's all there and it's all guaranteed. Though the cold wind of the world whips around outside, it can't touch you when you are basking in the warmth of His light.

So now there is you. Standing out in the gloomy cold. You have luggage. And I mean a LOT of luggage. Bag after bag after bag of stuff that you have been carrying around your whole life. Picking up more and more along the way. You have been carrying it around so long, that you don't even know how to live without it. In fact, in a weird way, these things are comforting to you. You are standing in front of the cottage. You want to enter, but you are afraid to put your bags down. Here is the good news. God doesn't expect that. He doesn't even want it. He wants you to come in- bags and all. There is so much room in that cozy cottage for all of your luggage. But, listen when I tell you.. Once you begin to experience all the things that Jesus has waiting for you, you will begin to throw those bags outside. One at a time. They won't feel as natural in your grip. And God will give you the strength to let them go. Addiction, heartache, fear, worry, pain, regret, guilt, doubt... all of it... One day you will realize that all you ever needed was Him. All you ever needed was to feel that pure love that nothing and nobody in the world could ever offer you.

How do you get there? Well.. like the cottage, it's open. It's waiting. It's available for you right at this very moment. But, like a good friend always says, "God is a gentleman." And He is. He isn't going to push you inside. No, He is going to graciously open the door for you and wait patiently for you to make the choice to enter into His joy that He has prepared for you. Will you be bold and courageous enough to enter?

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