Monday, January 26, 2015


As I finished reading through the books of Acts this morning, something stuck out to me. It is a theme that God has been smacking me in the face with every single day lately. He is like that when you actually pay attention and keep your eyes on Him. He will make himself very clear to you. With each day and each new reminder, I am more and more confident of His voice. 

Paul was a prisoner of the Roman guard. He was making his way to Rome to have his trial before Caesar, but they were traveling by ship and they were fighting some terrible storms. They had been to an island, where Paul suggested they stay, but the Captain insisted they go on to a better place where they would be more comfortable waiting out the winter weather. So on they went and got caught up in the worst storm imaginable.

Everyone was panicked and distraught. The Bible says they hadn't seen the sun or stars for many days, it was that dark and stormy. 

Acts 27:21-22
After they had gone a long time without food, Paul stood up before them and said: "Men, you should have taken my advice not to sail from Crete; then you would have spared yourselves this damage and loss. But now I urge you to keep up your courage, because not one of you will be lost; only the ship will be destroyed...."

Ok, so lets recap. These men did not listen to Paul or God. They chose to go their own way because they thought they knew what was best. They wound up in the midst of the worst storm they had ever experienced. They were exhausting every effort to save their ship. They were losing all that they had, having to throw things overboard just to stay afloat. They were so afraid and anxious that they hadn't eaten in days. They were falling apart at the seams and convinced that they were doomed. 

But, God.

In all His mercy and grace, God decided to save them. See, they didn't even believe in Him. But God had a purpose and a mission and a promise for Paul. Verses 23-24 go on to say: "Last night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve stood beside me and said, 'Do not be afraid, Paul. You must stand trial before Caesar; and God has graciously given you the lives of all who sail with you'.."

God had told Paul already that he was going to spread the gospel in Rome. This was a promise. So when everything grew dark and stormy and it seemed all hope was lost, God reminded Paul of his promise. Nothing was going to happen to any of them. They would lose all of their things and their ship, but they would not lose their lives. 

How many times do we think we know better than God? How many times do we step away from the path that we are on with Him because another road seems to be more comfortable or convenient? How could we lose sight of the only important thing there is? How could we forget that God cannot fail us? How could we ever think that God wouldn't fulfill His promises to us? 

Ok, so here we are. Off the path that leads to Him. We see where our mistakes and our failings have brought us. We realize just how very wrong we were to ever think we could do better. What now? What if God sees all that you've done? What if He knows of the terrible mistakes you've made? Will He take you back? Will He even want you? In your filthy and torn clothes standing on that island after your ship has been wrecked. You have nothing to give. Just your repentant heart. 

Here is the good news that I want to share with you. He already knows all that you've done. He's seen the ugliest and darkest corners of your heart. He loves you anyway. He wants you anyway. He knew what you would do before you did it and He died for you anyway. That's the beauty of grace. That's the beauty of mercy. That is the beauty of our God. He is the ultimate Daddy. Always ready to take your hand and gently guide you back onto the path that leads to forever with Him. So don't hide from Him. Don't fear Him. There is no fear in love and HE. IS. LOVE. 

Now take a moment and close your eyes. Listen to this song and bask in the love that is Him.


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