Monday, March 4, 2013


A dear friend made a comment several months ago that has been ringing in my head. She said she couldn't understand how people could be so underwhelmed when it came to what Christ has done for us. She said that if they had lost one of their loved ones, they would have a lot more feeling, but as for Christ, there is often no feeling at all.

I remember when my perspective had changed from non-chalant, to overwhelmed. I heard a song on the radio. It said how our relationship with Christ should be like falling in love. What a concept! Why had I not thought of this before? How had I not noticed that just about every single worship song and song on Christian radio was a love song. You know, the song you hear and think, "if only I could find a love like that..." I got to thinking about how God IS love and that the crazy, head over heels, madly in love feeling I have for Mike and my children, is the same feeling God has for me. If someone threatened to kill Mike, I would take his place in a heartbeat. If someone threatened my children's lives, again.. no questions asked- I would throw my head on the chopping block.

Let me tell you my love story. My whole life there was this special someone in my life. He always loved me, and although I knew he was there, I rarely (if ever) gave him the time of day. Finally, about 13 years ago, I noticed him. I fell in love with him and realized, nobody in this world could ever love me more. Unfortunately life happened and pulled me away from him. Over the next 12 years we continued an on-again-off-again relationship that was all my doing. He never faltered. He never failed. He was always there with open arms when I decided to come crawling back. A year-ish ago I recommitted to him. I made the choice to give him everything this time. My heart, soul, body, mind, everything! I refused to have a topical meaningless relationship with him anymore. I have committed everything. I am head over heels and crazy in love! Even if it comes down to my life, I would gladly give it for Him.

Romans 8:38-39 says this...
Yes, I am sure that nothing can separate us from the love God has for us. Not death, not life, not angels, not ruling spirits, nothing now, nothing in the future, no powers, nothing above us, nothing below us, or anything else in the whole world will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

What a relief! I never have to worry about falling away from Him or his love! I never have to worry about anything or anyone coming in between us! Not sickness, not government, not money, NOTHING!! I have been learning so much about Jesus, the person he was, the God he is, and the lover of my soul who yearns for me. I don't ever want to turn back, and I never will. His love is like nothing I have ever known before. Because I know now who He is and how he loves me, I will always be overwhelmed when I feel the Spirit moving in me. I will always be overwhelmed when I watch a movie of his life and see the pain and torture he went through. He did that for me. He did it for you too. When you get into his Word and start realizing the REAL Jesus, you will be overwhelmed too.

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