Sunday, August 12, 2012


Monday, August 6, 2012, I stood beside my husband as he made an oath to our country and to our family. An oath to protect us, stand up for us, and never stop fighting for our safety and well being. It was an honor to not only be able to stand beside the man that I love and respect to no end as he made these promises, but to also have him being sworn in by the Chief of Staff, General Odierno. This was not something that happens every day and it is definitely a day that will stay with us forever. 

The decision to re-enlist was not one we took lightly. When we first got married, it was not even an option to us. We had no interest in staying away from family for any longer than necessary, we did not want to endure another deployment, and we wanted to plant our roots and make a life that could make everyone else happy as well. Then, over the course of the past year, we have seen families get out of the Army only to have to sign up for welfare and wait in lines at the food shelf. Jobs are not easy to come by in today's economy. This is something everyone has to endure, not just the men and women who are getting out of the military. It is a harsh reality and many of our loved ones have struggled through interview after interview trying to desperately find employment in order to provide for their families. Do we want to risk the same fate? Do we want to have to sell all of our belongings and move into some one's basement with our 5 children until we can find something more stable financially? 

So, we started praying. Asking God for guidance. Do we stay in and risk disappointing all of our loved ones, not to mention another deployment? Or should we get out and risk being homeless. After months of praying and seeking guidance from Him, it became increasingly clear that we needed to stay in the Army and guarantee our financial security. Mike waited until it felt right and finally was surprised to hear that they had changed some things up and were going to give him the rare opportunity to stabilize. This meant that he could stay at his current MOS (his job as a truck driver), and also it would guarantee him to stay here at Ft Stewart in his current unit. This was a good thing, because if he was going to have to deploy anyway, Mike really wanted to deploy with the men and women he has been working beside for the last year. (Can you blame him? Who wants to go into a war zone with strangers you can't trust?!) This would also be good for the girls and I because we have established friendships with people here that can help support us emotionally through this deployment. We have an incredible church that has been instrumental in bringing us a closeness with God that we never knew existed. Plus, the girls would be able to go to their same school for the second year in a row (unfortunately this is the first time we can say this..) Everything seemed to fall into place so perfectly that it couldn't be anything other than God. 

This re-enlistment has to do with our financial security and stability for our family. It has nothing to do with anything other than Mike and I trying to find the best way to provide for our family. This is a good thing and although we know our loved ones are disappointed and upset, I genuinely hope that you can understand our decision. We know as a military family that sacrifice is inevitable. It is hard and it just plain sucks sometimes, but it is necessary and all we can do is get through it knowing that God is holding us each and every step of the way. I am no longer fearful of our future or anything that may come. I am faithful that God will provide us with everything we will need to get through as he has already proven.    

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